Which Disney movie are you?


What is your greatest fear?

  1.    Getting Lost
  2.    The Dark
  3.     Being Alone
  4.    Failure

What superpower would you want the most?

  1.    Ability to breathe under water
  2.    Ability to become invisible
  3.     Ability to fly
  4.    Ability of unparalleled strength

Your love life mostly resembles?

  1.    Self-Love
  2.    Platonic Love
  3.     Unfortunate, sad endings
  4.    A realistic and classic love

What are your immediate goals?

  1.    To adventure and travel the world
  2.    To create better bonds with people and grow as an individual
  3.     To design something new while realizing my dreams
  4.    To help as many people in as much time

You spend the most time?

  1.    Doing physical activities
  2.    Sleeping
  3.     Creatively thinking and exploring
  4.    Spending time with friends and family

Your favorite food items are…?

  1.    Seafood or anything with meat
  2.    Desserts and snacks
  3.     Leftovers
  4.    Any meal; as long as it is with family

A: If you chose A the most your life is most similar to the Disney Movie: Finding Nemo. A journey of self-discovery and independence. Family and friends are important in your life, but so is adventuring and the unknown.

B: If you chose B the most your life is most similar to the Disney Movie: Monsters Inc. Your life is both simplistic and exciting. You want to grow but will always have old habits.

C: If you chose C the most your life is most similar to the Disney Movie: Up. Life is an Uphill battle but you fight throughout and will the help of some friends in your life, the experiences along the way are Uplifting.

D: If you chose D the most your life is most similar to the Disney Movie: The Incredibles. It is an incredible life journey you have gone through and you are both a social person, however fear certain aspects of putting yourself out there.