Romance isn’t dead, you’re just lazy

Srihita Raju, Staff Writer

      We’ve all seen it. All the Tik Toks and Instagram videos filled with black-and-white pictures from the ‘50s. Pictures of couples dancing, writing letters to each other, receiving flowers as gifts, sharing milkshakes and snuggling up at drive-in movies. Teens in the comments all longing to go back to the old days when romance was actually romantic. Although I think that most people just aren’t trying hard enough, I understand what people are trying to say. 

      Sure, hookup culture is huge now, and a lot of getting to know someone is happening via Snapchat and texts, but that doesn’t mean that romance is dead. If you want to meet and get to know people in person, you can go out and do that. If you want to write letters instead of text, you can do that. If you want to go to a cute diner and share a milkshake, you can do that. Nothing is stopping you or anyone else from being romantic. You just need to be willing to take the time to plan these types of things and communicate openly and honestly with the people you’re with. It seems people want to complain and complain about how romance just isn’t the same anymore, but all that needs to be done is to ask someone out to a diner. Or take someone to a drive-in. Or go ring the doorbell when you’re going to pick up your date instead of texting them you’re outside. Or don’t. The point is, you have a choice to be your definition of romantic. Luckily, most people are probably on the same page as you. 

      Plus, there’s a lot of benefits to dating now compared to 70 years ago. Not only can you still communicate with people via FaceTime if you’re too sick to go out or send a quick appreciation text that won’t take days to arrive, but you can do everything mentioned before regardless of your race or sexuality. In most places in the United States, gay and/or biracial couples don’t have to worry about being themselves with the people they love in public. All this makes it really hard for me to understand why anyone would want to go back to dating in the mid-20th century.