Dance tryouts
Dance tryouts for Performance Team, Dance Team, and Pom Squad will be held March 20th-24th at Eden Prairie High School. Dancers in grades 8-11 are encouraged to tryout for fall Performance Team, and/or a choice of winter Dance Team or Pom Squad.
These tryouts will be held in the small gym after school 4-6p.m. Monday through Wednesday, and the actual audition will take place Thursday night. On Monday-Wednesday dancers will learn two combinations that they will have to dance in the audition. Other skills will be practiced during this time, dancers will do leaps and turns across the floor, and also practice toe touches and other tricks.
The dancers will receive their results from the audition and tryouts on Saturday. The girls who make teams will be posted on the website of Performance Team and either Dance Team or Pom Squad.
If you are interested in getting involved in dance at Eden Prairie High School, this could be a great opportunity for you. Audition forms will be in the Activity Center this week.

My name is Sophie Brandser and I am a senior. I am a dancer at Dance Arts Centre, and a part of a ballet company called La Danse Fatale. In my free time...