This year, students, staff, and members of our community have noticed enrollment in school activities has decreased from previous years. For student-led clubs, sports, and other activities, membership and participation has hit an all-time low. Although the exact number is unknown, the diference is obvious to advisors and club leaders who have been involved in these clubs for numerous years before.
The reason for low enrollment continues to be unknown. However, numerous clubs have struggled with keeping enrollment up, and some clubs even struggling to continue meeting. For some clubs, enrollment and lack of participation has been the reason for clubs at EPHS ending.
The school hopes to overcome the lack of enrollment in activities. EPHS ofers numerous types of after school programs and activities, such as competitive athletics, intramurals, school-sponsored clubs, school programs, and student interest clubs. With the misuse of flex time among students, a time dedicated for student-interest clubs to meet, small attendance at activities fairs, and EP updates lack of views, the activities office is struggling to increase student enrollment in extracurricular activities.
Mr. Perkl, this year’s new activities director, sees the issue in enrollment this year. “Coming into this year 83% of students were participating in something last year. Our goal this year was to get it up to 85%,” Perkl says, “I don’t know if we’re gonna meet our goal.”
There can be numerous reasons for the lack of involvement in clubs, such as lack of advertising, barriers in participation, and simply not enough interest among students. However, students have a different perspective of why enrollment is low. Kulani Jurri, EPHS junior, adds that it may be personal issues. “Everyone has social anxiety.” Jurru says.
Jude Kamal, EPHS junior, says “people care more about how good their college applications will look than doing things they’d actually enjoy.” For students, many barriers such as cost and transportation interfere with their participation in student activities. Kambal continues “we don’t have time with school and problems with getting rides.”
With such barriers, the activities office aims to ensure barriers aren’t an issue when it comes to student involvement in extracurriculars by providing an activities bus and without worry of cost.
Perkl explains: “We would never ever turn away a student to participate in an activity because of
financial reasons.” Perkl provides lack of exposure and marketing as another role in the lack of enrollment. “we overall need to do a better job of exposure to our students.” Perkl says.
The EPHS activities office hopes to find a solution in regards. Through flex, Connect 9, and activity fairs, the office aims to open students to more opportunities to get involved. “We want to fnd a home for everyone in this
building where they feel like they belong,” Perkl says.
However, attendance at the fall and spring activity rushes has been low, as those seeking for a place to belong are not attending them. For students not involved with something, they should attend to see if there is a club they are interested in. For students interested in starting their own club, the activities office aims to help students in the process. “even if it’s four or five kids in a club, if that’s something you’re passionate about, we get you going with it.” Perkl says. Even with enrollment in clubs low, the activities office still aims to increase enrollment and hope students feel like they belong at EPHS. Whether it be joining student-interest clubs, school organizations, or even students starting their own club, the school encourages students to explore their passions and interests through activities. Perkl says, “we need you to want to be in a club. That’s the first step. We can take it from there”