Worth the Wait: Xbox Series X Review


Ivan Rahouski

With the holiday season around the corner, one of the year’s biggest gifts finally hit the market. On November 10th, Microsoft released the new Xboxes. Microsoft sells two different Xbox models: the Xbox Series X ($499) and the Xbox Series S ($299.) The biggest difference between the two consoles is the size of them. The X is almost twice the size of the S, but the X has a 4K Disc Drive with 1TB of storage, while the S is digital only, with 512 GB. Both consoles can get up to 120 frames per second, but the Series X has 4K resolution and the Series S gets 1440p resolution. 

Both consoles are extremely fast with the games loading a lot quicker compared to the Xbox One due to the large improvements in the mechanical hard drive. The Xbox Series X and Series S are both great consoles to get, and well worth the wait.

I have had the ability to get my hands on the Xbox Series X, and it has lived up to the hype! All the games run very smoothly and I enjoy playing them a lot. All the games load much faster and I feel like I’m wasting a lot less time waiting to start a game. Even logging in takes a lot less time than before.

One of my favorite things about the Xbox is that I am allowed to play with friends that don’t have the console, which makes my playing experience more fun. The increase in resolution with the games is noticeable and makes it almost feel like I am inside the game. There are some small glitches that are annoying, such as freezes, but I hope that as time goes by, it will get better with updates. Microsoft did a great job making this product, and it will be enjoyed by anyone who buys it.