Lion around with mortality

Murphy Hullet-Nelson

I am an avid animal rights activist. I love animals and I enjoy them in my day-to-day life. At first when I heard about Cecil the lion, I was outraged. I was angry that someone would kill such a beautiful creature. However, I realized that there are people dying worse deaths everyday. There are people, especially disabled veterans, who don’t get nearly as much TV airtime than the ASPCA.

I wish that people had that same passion for the homeless and the injustices in human lives.

— Murphy Hullet-Nelson

Human interest stories were shoved to side, black lives matter was being taken less seriously, after Cecil’s story hit the air. I see people protesting outside the dentist who killed Cecil’s office everyday. I wish that people had that same passion for the homeless and the injustices in human lives.

This story could be tied in with many stories. A lot of people have been talking about how some white people value animals at a higher level than poor and minority people. Compassion for the human race can make a great society. We can help animals, but also help humans too. We often forget about our human siblings. Remember to always help someone who looks like they are in need. Help create a better future for humankind; and yes help our furry friends too.